Bega Kaynaklar


1- Manilius (MS 30-40), Astronomica.
2- Ptolemy C. (MS 100-170), Tetrabiblos, four books of the influence of the stars. London, Davis and Dickson , 1822.
3- Julius Firmicus Maternus (MS 306-337), Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice.
4- Abu Maşer (MS 787-886), The Great Introduction to Astrology.
5- Al-Qabisi (Alcabitius) (MS ? -967), The Introduction to Astrology.
6- Al Biruni (MS 973-1050), The book of instruction in the elements of the art of astrolgy. Luzac&Co, London,1934.
7- Abraham ibn Ezra (MS 1089-1167), The Book of Reasons.
8- Abraham ibn Ezra (MS 1089-1167), Abraham Ibn Ezra on Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy.
9- Avraham İbn-Ezra (MS 1089-1167), Bilgeliğin Başlangıcı.
10- Guido Bonati (1210-1296), On the arabic parts. New Library, 2000.
11- Guido Bonati (1210-1296), Bonatti on Nativities.
12- Guido Bonati (1210-1296), Bonatti on Elections.
13- Guido Bonati (1210-1296), Bonatti on Horary.
14- Guido Bonati (1210-1296), Bonatti on Lots.
15- Guido Bonati (1210-1296), liber-astronomiae-1-4.
16- Jean-Baptiste Morin Morinus (1591-1659), The Morinus system of horoscope interpretation 21 Astrologia Gallica Book Twenty One.
17- WilliamLilly (1602-1681), Christian Astrology, Books 1 and 2. 1647.
18- Alan Leo (1860-1917), How to judge a nativity. “The reading of the horoscope.”
19- Alan Leo (1860-1917), Esoteric Astrology.
20- Alan Leo (1860-1917), The Progressed Horoscope (Classic Reprint).
21- Charles E.O. Carter (1887-1968), The astrological aspects.
22- Charles E.O. Carter(1887-1968), The Astrology of Accidents.
23- H. S. Green, Charles E. O. Carter, Raphael, Mundane Astrology: The Astrology of Nations and States.
24- O. Neugebauer, H. B. Van Hoesen (MS 1899-1990), Greek Horoscopes.
25- N. Campion, Book of World Horoscopes.
26- Kurent, Ema, Horary Astrology: Your Ultimate Horary Textbook with 124 Example Cases.
27- John Addey, Harmonics in astrology
28- Hamblin, David, The Spirit of Numbers: A New Exploration of Harmonic Astrology.
29- Hill, Judith A., Medical Astrology In Action: The Transits of Health.
30- Hill, Judith A., The Astrological Body Types: Face, Form and Expression.
31- Diane Ahlquist, Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want.
32- Reinhold Ebertin, The Combination of Stellar Influences.
33- Reinhold Ebertin, Applied Cosmobiology.
34- Reinhold Ebertin, Directions: Co-Determinants of Fate.
35- Reinhold Ebertin, Transits what days favor you.
36- Erin Sullivan, Retrograde Planets.
37- Max Tegmark, Our Mathematical Universe : My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality.
38- Rudolf Steiner – Catherine Creeger, Theosophy : An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in Human Life and in the Cosmos.
39- John D. Barrow, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.
40- Schwartz, Robert, Ruhunuzun Hediyesi: Dogmadan Once Planladiginiz Hayatin Iyilestirici Gucu.
41- Tamysn Barton, Ancient Astrology. Routledge, 1994.
42- H.A.Rey, The Stars a new way to see them.
43- Carl Gustav Jung, Jung on astrology. Routledge, 2018.
44- Carl Gustav Jung, İnsan ve Sembolleri. Kabalcı Yayıncılık, 2015.
45- Carl Gustav Jung, Psikolojide Tipler.
46- Carl Gustav Jung, Feminen Dişilliğin Farklı Yüzleri.
47- Carl Gustav Jung, Maskülen Erilliğin Farklı Yüzleri.
48- Johannes Kepler, The Harmony of the World. American Philosophical Society, 1997.
49- Nicolaus Copernicus, Göksel Kürelerin Devinimleri Üzerine.
50- Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology.
51- Bernadette Brady, Brady’S Book of Fixed Stars.
52- Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs: Astrology’s Most Successful Predictive System.
53- Zoller R., Diploma Course in Medieval Astrology New Library Publications, 2002.
54- Hermes Trismestigustus, The corpus hermetica.
55- Titus Burchardt, Mystical Astrology According to Ibn ‘Arabi. Fons Vitae, 2001.
56- Titus Burchardt, Simya.
57- Titus Burchardt, Muhyiddin İbn Arabi’nin Mistik Astrolojisi.
58- Stephen Arroyo, Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements_ An Energy Approach to Astrology & Its Use in the Counseling Arts. CRCS Publications, 1975.
59- Stephen Arroyo, Astroloji, Karma ve Dönüşüm.
60- Stephen Arroyo, Handbuch der Horoskopdeutung.
61- Stephen Arroyo, Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience.
62- Stephen Arroyo, Jerilynn Marshall, Chart Interpretation Handbook.
63- Stephen Arroyo, Liz Greene, New insights in modern astrology.
64- Steven Forrest, Yesterday’s Sky: Astrology and Reincarnation.
65- Steven Forrest, The Night Speaks: How Astrology Works.
66- Steven Forrest, The Book of the Moon: Discovering Astrology’s Lost Dimension .
67- Steven Forrest, İçimizdeki Gökyüzü.
68- Steven Forrest, Değişen Gökyüzü.
69- Steven and Jodie Forrest, Gökyüzü Ortaklıkları.
70- Jodie Forrest, Yükselen Burç.
71- Deborah Houlding, Astrolojide evler, Gökyüzünün Tapınakları.
72- Sepharial, Güneş ve Ay Tutulmaları Dünyaya Etkileri.
73- Sepharial, Astrology How To Make And Read Your Own Horoscope.
74- Maurice Mccann, Güneş ve Açılar.
75- Sue Tompkins, Astrolojide Açılar.
76- Grant Lewi, Astroloji – Ne Çok Şey Söyler Şu Yıldızlar.
77- Hand, Robert, Planets in Composite (The Planet Series).
78- Hand, Robert, Planets in Transit.
79- Edgar Cayce, Anahtar Bilgiler.
80- Edgar Cayce, İnsanın Kaderi.
81- Edgar Cayce, On Remembering Your Past Lives.
82- Edgar Cayce, Wahrheit der Reinkarnation.
83- Edgar Cayce, Über Sexualität und Erleuchtung.
84- Edgar Cayce, Readings on home and marriage: There will your heart be also.
85- Edgar Cayce, The sleepıng prophet.
86- John Willnere, Ünlü Bir Medyumdan Astrolojik Açıklamalar.
87- Frank C. Clifford, British Entertainers: The Astrological Profiles, Third Edition (Flare Astro-profiles).
88- Carol A. Tebbs, The Complete Book of Chart Rectification.
89- Michel Gauquelin, The cosmic cloks. HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.
90- Michel Gauquelin, Cosmic Influences on Human Behaviour: The Planetary Factors in Personality.
91- Michel Gauquelin, Written in the Stars.
92- Michel Gauquelin, 15 tests pour connaitre le autres.
93- Michel Gauquelin, 20 Tests Pour Se Connaitre.
94- H.J.Eyseck, D.K.B.Nias, Astrology science or superstition?
95- Don Richard Riso, Ennegram ile Kişilik Analizi.
96- Isabel Briggs Myers, Peter Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing-Understanding Personality Type.
97- Jim Lewis, The Psychology of Astro_Carto_Graphy-Words and Things.
98- Michael Newton, Destiny of Souls_ New Case Studies of Life Between Lives.
99- Erin Sullivan, The Astrology of Family Dynamics.
100- Tevfik Uyar, Astrolojinin Bilimle İmtihanı.
101- Lawrence Ejerome, Astroloji Çürütüldü.
102- Marlon D.March & Joan McEvers. The Only Way to Learn About Tomorrow – Volum 4: Current Patterns Progressions, Directions, Solar and Lunar Returns, Transits.
103- Marlon D.March & Joan McEvers. The Only Way to Learn About Horary and Electional Astrology.
104- Marlon D.March & Joan McEvers, Astroloji 3 – Ev yöneticileri-Tablo yorumlama sanatı.
105- Celeste Teal, Predicting Events with Astrology.
106- Michael Newton Ph.D., Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives.
107- Yücel Sügen, Astroloji ve Geleceği Görmek. Medya Vega, 2008.
108- Yücel Sügen, Astroloji ve Gökyüzü Zamanı.
109- Yücel Sügen, Astroloji ve Kehanet.
110- Yücel Sügen, Hint Astrolojisi.
111- R. Hakan Kırkoğlu, Göklerin Bilgeliği. Doğan Kitap, 2005.
112- R. Hakan Kırkoğlu, Ruhun Yolculuğu.
113- R. Hakan Kırkoğlu, Sultan ve Müneccimi.
114- Susan Miller, Burçlar ve Olasılıklar.
115- Devrim Dölen, Arap Noktaları Astrolojide Gösterge Denklemler.
116- Devrim Dölen, Uranian Astroloji & Kozmobiyoloji.
117- Papus, İnsiyeler için Astroloji.
118- Faust bernhard christoph, Die Perioden des Menschlichen Lebens.
119- Gail Sheehy, Passages – Predictable Crises of Adult Life.
120- Gail Sheehy, New Passages.
121- Gail Sheehy, The Silent Passage-Menopause.
122- Gail Sheehy, Understandind Men’s Passages Discovering TheNew Map of Men’s Lives.
123- Martin Schulman, Karmische Astrologie Band.1: Die Mondknoten und Reinkarnation.
124- Dane Rudhyar, Die zehn kosmischen Chancen. Esoterische Astrologie. Wie wir die planetaren Einflüsse nutzen und verstehen können.
125- Dane Rudhyar, The astrological houses.
126- Dane Rudhyar, Astrological Insights into the Spiritual Life.
127- Dane Rudhyar, the planetarization of consciousness.
128- Öner Döşer, Gezegenlerin Gücü.
129- Öner Döşer, Gezegenlerin Kavuşumu.
130- Öner Döşer, Mevsim Giriş Haritaları
131- Öner Döşer, Astrolojide Kompozit Haritalar.
132- Öner Döşer, Astrolojide Güneş ve Ay tutulmaları.
133- Öner Döşer, Maksimum.
134- Öner Döşer, Heliocentric Astrology.
135- Öner Döşer, Astrolojide Gösterge Tespiti.
136- Öner Döşer, Deborah Houlding, Soru Astrolojisi.
137- Öner Döşer, Barış Özkırış, İlişkiler Astrolojisi.
138- Öner Döşer, Barış Özkırış, Karma, Kader, Özgür İrade ve Astroloji.
139- Sena Büyükçopur, Astrolokalite.
140- Aleksandar Imsiragic, Karmanın Dört Kapısı.
141- Vivian E. Robson, Astroloji ve Seks.
142- Peter Marshall, Dünya Astrolojisi.
143- Semih Koç, Gahl. E. Sasson, 2020 Astrolojisi İnanç Sıçraması: Yeni Bir Dünyanın Şafağı.
144- Jan Spiller, Ruhsal Astroloji.
145- Sevilay Eriçdem, Uranyen Astroloji.
146- Şenay Yangel, Türk Medeniyetlerinde Astroloji Astronomi ve Müneccimbaşılık.
147- Gülden Bulut, Gökyüzünün Söyledikleri.
148- Ayhan Özcimbit, Gülşen Özcimbit, İslamda Astroloji.
149- Mary Fortier Shea, Güneş Döngüsü Haritalarında Gezegenler.
150- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Zodyak insan ve evrenin anahtarı.
151- Semen S.T., Türk astrolojisi; 22 aralık 20 mart, 21 mart 21 haziran, 22 haziran 23 eylül, 24 eylül 21 aralık.
152- O’Neil W. M., Zaman ve takvimler. İzdüşüm, 2001.
153- Bedri Ruhelsman, İlahi Nizam ve Kâinat.
154- Behçet Taşçıoğlu, Esrar-ı Mükevvenat Evrendeki Sırlar. Şira, 2018.
155- İshak L Kuday dr. Ali S. Akay, Spiritualizm Spiritizm Fakirizm Manyetizm
156- Elizabeth Teissier, Kâhinleri Kâhini.
157- W. Wynn Westcott MS 1848-1925, Numbers_ Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues.
158- Arthur Edward Waite MS1857-1942, Secret Doctrine in Israel a Study of the Zohar and its Connections.
159- S. L. Macgrefor Mathers MS 1854-1918, The Kabbalah Unveiled.
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207- Garlic M.A., Resimli evren atlası. NTV, 2008.
208- Gök Günlüğü 1923-1973 ve Gök Günlüğü 1974-2023
209- Fred Gettings, The Arkana Dictionary of Astrology.
210- Mustafa Pultar, Yıldız Adları Sözlüğü.
211- DK, The Night Sky Month by Month.
212- Robert Bruce Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson, Astronomy Hacks: Tips and Tools for Observing the Night Sky.
213- Mary Blewitt, Praktisches Navigieren nach Gestirnen.
214- Walter Stein, Das kleine Sternenbuch: Für Sternenfreunde, Segler und Seeleute.
215- H.A.Rey, The Stars a New Way To See Them.
216- Kelly Beatty – Andrew Chaikin, The New Solar System.
217- Martin Rees, Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide.
218- Colin A. Ronan, Deep Space.
219- Carolyn Collins Petersen, John C. Brandt, Hubble Vision: Further Adventures with the Hubble Space Telescope.
220- Maggie Aderin-Pocock, StarFinder for Beginners.
221- TÜBİTAK, Gökyüzünü Tanıyalım.
222- Yavuz Unat, Tarih Boyunca Türklerde Gökbilim.
223- Yavuz Unat, İlk çağlardan Günümüze Astronomi Tarihi.
224- Ali Gufran Erkılıç, Asteroidler Sözlüğü.
225- Helmut Werner, Ezoterik Sözlük.
226- Dorling Kindersley UK – Collective, The Periodic Table Book: A Visual Encyclopedia Of The Elements.